Forms and Petitions
While the Office of the University Registrar maintains a list of documents that are commonly needed from all Saint Louis University students, the following forms and petitions may be necessary during your graduate education at 博彩网址大全. The process and approvals needed for these vary. Forms are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
Admission and Status
- Petition for Admission into a Doctoral Program: This form is to be used only by a recipient of a master's degree from Saint Louis University within the past three years.
- Petition to Advance from Probationary to Classified Status: With this form, the probationary student requests recognition of the proposed major field as formally pursuing the degree sought.
Changes or Amendments to Program of Study
- Petition to Amend the Graduate Program: This form is to be used to change your major field of study, change your degree sought within the same major, add or delete a minor field, etc. This form is not to be used to initiate advancement from probationary to classified status or if seeking doctoral admission in the major field upon completion of a master's degree in that field.
- Petition to Pursue a Certificate within a Degree Program: This form is only to be used by the classified student desiring to pursue a certificate concurrent with an advanced degree.
- Petition for Time Period Extension to Complete Degree Requirements: This form is to be used by a master's or doctoral student to petition for an extension of the time period to complete the degree requirements.
Courses and Credits
- Petition for Transfer of Credit: This form is to be used to transfer graduate coursework credits earned elsewhere as a non-degree or transient student.
- Petition for Probationary Admission Enrollment: Students on probationary admission with registration holds may use this form to petition for permission to enroll in courses. Approval will override holds related to probationary admission only.
- Petition for Advanced Standing of a Doctoral Student: This form is to be used to document completed, advanced coursework taken elsewhere that is applicable to a student's current doctoral program.
- General Petition Form: This form is to be used if none of the above specific petitions apply to your request.
Graduation and Diplomas
- Apply to graduate: This will link you to the University Registrar where you may apply online to graduate.
- Petition for Late Application for Graduation
Master Forms and Policies
- Master's Thesis Proposal (June 2024)
- Exam Request Form (January 2025)
- Master's Candidacy Checkout Procedures: Non-Thesis Option (February 2025)
- Master's Candidacy Checkout Procedures: Thesis Option (February 2025)
- Proquest Thesis Upload Instructions (February 2025)
For more information on completing these forms, contact Janie Henderson, M.A., at
Doctoral Forms and Policies
- Notification of Readiness for the Public Oral Presentation of the Ph.D. Dissertation (March 2017)
- Process for Ph.D. Students (October 2023)
- Process for Ed.D. Students (October 2023)
- Doctoral Oral Examination Form (April 2017)
For more information on completing these forms, contact Christine Harper, Ph.D., at